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Democratic Central Committee
Greene County, Arkansas
We the members of the Democratic Central Committee of Greene County, Arkansas believe in the following principles:
That the Democratic Party with its diversity of members, flexibility of organization, adaptability to change, and responsiveness to human needs, can and will provide the leadership necessary in these challenging times.
The government functions best when it is closest to the people and government is of laws not of men.
That every citizen no mater what religion, race or sex owes their duty to participate at every level of government and is entitled to an equal voice and equal treatment.
That we should be proud and upright citizens of the U.S. and be determined to provide the responsible and constructive leadership that is owed to such a nation.
Jerry McIntosh
Chairman Charles Willis
Vice Chairman Paulette Parker
Secretary Nadine Jamison
ward 1 pos. 1 Bill Wood
ward 1 pos. 2 Jim Ladyman
ward 1 pos. 3 Paulette Parker
ward 1 pos. 4 Max Moore
ward 1 pos. 5 Shirley Boston
ward 2 pos. 1 Marge Pace
ward 2 pos. 2 Melba Boggs
ward 2 pos.3 Judith Burgess
ward 2 pos. 4 Mary K. Martin
ward 3 pos. 1 Wyman Highfill
ward 3 pos. 2 Pat Pillow
ward 3 pos. 3 Ruth Everett
ward 3 pos. 4 Virginia Highfill
ward 4 pos.1 Michael Langley
ward 4 pos. 2 Jackie Ross
ward 4 pos. 3 June Mitchell
Blue Cane Arthur Reese
Breckenridge Weldon Roberts
Bryan Vance Cupp
Cache L. V. Jones
Clark Karl Horton
Crowley Charles Willis
Hopewell Lawrence Hamilton
Hurricane pos. 1 Jerry McIntosh
Hurricane pos. 2
Jones Barbara Willis
Mainshore Margo Herren
Poland Ken Herren
Reynolds Margie Kuykendall
Salem Billy McCain
Shady Grove John Gibson
Spring Grove George Smith
St. Francis Clifton Healey
Sugar Creek Marvin Exum
Union pos. 1 Nadine Jamison
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